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8 Powerful EU Grants for Tech Innovation

The European Union’s commitment to technological advancement is evident through its diverse range of grant opportunities. These funding programmes are designed to foster innovation, drive economic growth, and address global challenges. In this comprehensive overview, we’ll explore eight significant grant opportunities for technology and digital projects in the EU, highlighting how CAPIQAL can assist in navigating these opportunities.

1. Horizon Europe: The Cornerstone of EU Research Funding

Horizon Europe stands as the EU’s flagship research and innovation programme, with a substantial €95.5 billion budget. This programme focuses on tackling climate change and aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Horizon Europe Logo

Key features of Horizon Europe include:

  • Promotes collaboration and amplifies research impact
  • Facilitates knowledge dissemination and pioneering technologies
  • Open to EU member states and associated countries

For eligibility assessment and assistance with Horizon Europe applications, consider CAPIQAL’s Eligibility Assessment service.

2. Enterprise Ireland: Fostering Irish Innovation Globally

Enterprise Ireland is the Irish government’s trade and innovation agency, dedicated to accelerating the development of world-class Irish companies in global markets.

Enterprise Ireland Logo

Enterprise Ireland offers:

  • Funding support based on a company’s stage of business
  • Assessment based on 6 pillars of business capability
  • Various grants including Pre Seed Start Fund and HPSU Feasibility Grant

CAPIQAL can provide Grant Funding Advice to help navigate Enterprise Ireland’s offerings.

3. Innovation Fund: Driving Low-Carbon Technologies

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for demonstrating innovative low-carbon technologies.

European Commission Logo CAPIQAL Logo

The Innovation Fund supports:

  • Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS)
  • Low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries
  • Renewable energy generation and energy storage

CAPIQAL’s Feasibility Studies service can help assess the viability of your project for Innovation Fund support.

4. Connecting Europe Facility (CEF): Enhancing EU Infrastructure

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a crucial funding tool for targeted European-level infrastructure investment, enhancing interconnectivity in transport, energy, and digital networks.

CEF is divided into three sectors:

  • CEF Energy: Strengthens energy security and promotes renewables
  • CEF Telecom: Supports digital service infrastructures
  • CEF Transport: Improves sustainable travel across Europe

For assistance with CEF applications, consider CAPIQAL’s Document Bank Creation service.

5. LIFE Programme: Supporting Environmental and Climate Action

The LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for environment and climate action projects.

LIFE Programme Logo

Key aspects of the LIFE Programme include:

  • Covers four areas: Nature and biodiversity, Circular economy, Climate change, Clean energy transition
  • Funding range: €1 million to €5 million
  • Project duration: 3 to 5 years

CAPIQAL’s Project Management service can help ensure successful implementation of LIFE Programme projects.

6. Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU)

The CBE JU is a collaborative initiative between the EU and bio-based industry stakeholders, aiming to accelerate the transition towards a circular and sustainable bioeconomy.

CBE JU supports:

  • Projects promoting the use of renewable resources
  • Development of eco-friendly alternatives
  • Three types of actions: Research and Innovation Actions (RIAs), Innovation Actions (IAs), and Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs)

For help with CBE JU applications, consider CAPIQAL’s Consortium Building service.

7. EUREKA: Fostering International R&D Collaboration

EUREKA unites countries aiming to boost industries, employment, and growth through global collaboration in R&D projects.

EUREKA projects must have:

  • Civilian intent
  • Collaboration between organisations from multiple EUREKA countries
  • R&D focus on new products, processes, or services
  • Market-oriented approach

CAPIQAL’s Market Intelligence service can help align your project with EUREKA’s market-oriented focus.

8. European Defence Fund (EDF): Boosting Defence Innovation

The European Defence Fund is an EU initiative to enhance defence cooperation among member states, funding joint research and development of defence technologies.

The EDF focuses on:

  • Strengthening Europe’s defence capabilities
  • Promoting innovation in the defence sector
  • Annual work programmes with thematic calls
  • Dedicated calls for SMEs and disruptive technologies

For EDF project compliance, consider CAPIQAL’s Grant Compliance service.

EU Grant Programme Funding Amounts

Horizon Europe
Horizon 2020

Conclusion: Maximising Your Grant Opportunities

The EU’s diverse funding landscape offers numerous opportunities for technology and digital projects. Proper preparation and management are crucial for success in these competitive grant programmes. CAPIQAL’s comprehensive services, from preparation to funding and management, can significantly enhance your chances of securing and successfully implementing these grants. By leveraging these opportunities and expert assistance, your innovative projects can contribute to the EU’s technological advancement and address critical global challenges.


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