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The Ultimate Guide to Startup Funding Solutions in Ireland

Are you a startup based in Ireland looking for funding solutions to turn your innovative ideas into reality? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various startup funding options available in Ireland and how CAPIQAL can help you navigate the complex world of grants and funding.

Local Enterprise Office Grants

One of the first places to start your funding journey is with the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) grants. LEOs provide a range of financial support for small businesses, including feasibility study grants, priming grants, and business expansion grants. These grants can help you validate your business idea, develop your product or service, and grow your startup.

Enterprise Ireland Funding

Enterprise Ireland is another key player in the Irish startup ecosystem. They offer a variety of funding options, such as the High Potential Start-Up (HPSU) program, which provides equity investment for startups with the potential to create 10 jobs and €1 million in sales within three years. Enterprise Ireland also offers innovation vouchers, which can be used to access expertise and resources from research institutions.

Horizon Europe Grants

If your startup is focused on research and innovation, Horizon Europe grants could be a great fit. Horizon Europe is the EU’s flagship funding program for research and innovation, with a budget of €95.5 billion. It provides grants for collaborative projects across various sectors, including health, climate, energy, and digital technologies.

Innovation Fund

The Innovation Fund is another EU funding program that supports innovative low-carbon technologies and processes. If your startup is working on solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Innovation Fund could provide the financial support you need to bring your ideas to life.

Connecting Europe Facility

For startups in the transport, energy, or digital sectors, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is worth exploring. CEF provides funding for projects that contribute to the development of trans-European networks, such as high-speed broadband networks or sustainable transport infrastructure.

European Defense Fund

The European Defense Fund supports collaborative defence research and development projects. If your startup is working on innovative defence technologies, this fund could provide the financial backing you need to develop cutting-edge solutions.

EUREKA Funding

EUREKA is a pan-European network that supports market-oriented R&D and innovation projects. It provides funding for collaborative projects between small and large companies, research institutes, and universities across Europe. If your startup is looking to collaborate with international partners, EUREKA could be a great option.

Circular Bio-based Europe Grants

The Circular Biobased Europe program supports research and innovation projects that contribute to the development of a sustainable and competitive bio-based industry in Europe. If your startup is focused on bio-based products or processes, this program could provide valuable funding and support.

Interreg Grants

Interreg is a series of programs that support cross-border, transnational, and interregional cooperation across Europe. If your startup is working on projects that address common challenges across European regions, such as climate change or social inclusion, Interreg grants could be a great fit.

CAPIQALl’s Funding Solutions

At CAPIQAL, we understand that navigating the world of startup funding can be overwhelming. That’s why we offer a range of services to help startups prepare, fund, and manage their grants and funding applications.

Our team of experts can help you develop a winning business plan, conduct feasibility studies, gather market intelligence, create a document bank, and build a consortium of partners to strengthen your funding applications.

We also offer support for specific funding programs, such as the Innovation Voucher and the HPSU Feasibility Study Grant, to help you access the funding you need to grow your startup.


As you can see, there are many startup funding solutions available in Ireland, from local grants to EU-wide programs. By working with CAPIQAL, you can tap into our expertise and network to identify the best funding options for your startup and increase your chances of success.

Don’t let funding challenges hold you back from achieving your startup dreams. Contact CAPIQAL today to learn more about how we can help you access the funding you need to thrive in the Irish startup ecosystem.


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